Monday, March 06, 2006


I can't move my left shoulder or arm very well, I feel like someone replaced all the muscles in my back with steel that doesn't move and grinds to an insanely painful halt if you even attempt to. I could barely get a shirt on this morning...we're all lucky I did succeed. Is it possible to sleep in such a wrong position that you can't move when you wake up? I mean, I know I've done damage to my hip problems by sleeping on my hip wrong...damn the spooning...but I seriously haven't felt pain like this in a REALLY long time. I think my neighbors may come over and start knocking on the door because I literally yelled out loud when I tried to roll over and turn the alarm off. I made an appointment to get a deep tissue massage this evening, but I still have to write a sermon, finish 25 translations for Hebrew, read an entire novel and write a 5 page paper today - oh yeah, and go to work with 22 three-year olds and tell them to stop touching, "Miss Laura" because you're hurting her.

1 comment:

John said...

LOL... this was me last week only it was my left foot... I got on a ladder last Sunday and jacked it up come monday morning.. Got back on a ladder Wednesday night and miraculously, I was pretty much healed Thursday morning.. Go figure.