Friday, June 03, 2005

Good Riddins!!

Good riddins Hanger! Today is was my last day of work - and I couldn't be more thrilled!! My boss has always hated me because I'm not this submissive woman that is going to take his crap or lies... So knowing how much he loves me, since Fridays are casual day - I took it upon myself to wear my shirt that says in very large letters right on the front "EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH" Obviously not the truth since Hanger doesn't have that title, but I'm sure he was pissed off and wanted to say something which was nice. :) Last night Sasha and Doris arranged for lots lof people to come out and say goodbye to me since I will officially be leaving for good!! Thanks a ton for the cards everyone and for coming out with us, Derrik (my sober driver, just incase), Heather, Amber, Sasha, Doris, Cindy, Lori, Debbie, Marty, & Angela. It was a blast and even though I won't even remember the job because I miss it that little, but I will miss the people!!

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