Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sunday mornings from another perspective

This morning I had a busy time getting ready a soup lunch for the youth group as we participated in the SOUPer Bowl. (We raised $133.00 & 20 cans of soup) Regardless - (Bill I'm sorry for this next comment...) During the sermon I ducked out for one minute to go to the bathroom seeing as how I hadn't done so all morning and thought I was going to die. When I went downstairs I passed by the fellowship hall and saw two men sitting in our fellowship hall drinking coffee. They were dressed in ragged clothes, wearing several layers and each had a couple bags with them. Our fellowship hall is always open on Sunday mornings. I've seen several people walk into our fellowship hall and fill up on the coffee, then continue on their way. Something I guess we don't mind as a church fairly close to downtown and especially across from Woodland Park. These two men however weren't leaving - they sat down and from what I could tell were listening to the service. We have speakers that play the service down into the fellowship hall - for what was originally inteded as a "cry room" for our parents etc - but they have since found another way to serve - to those who want to listen... but not in the sanctuary. It's an entirely different thing to think about as to why they don't want to join us in our sanctuary - but for now I'm happy to think about them listening on Sunday mornings - a different idea of Sunday morning.... something different than the usual....

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