Wednesday, January 26, 2005


So I knew things would change when my friends all started getting married and such.... but now my friends are starting to have babies. Babies!? I can't even always handle myself sometimes, let alone a husband and a baby! Nonetheless, Congrats Neena, we are all very very excited for you and can't wait for the little one. We can only hope it's nothing like RJ or Justin and everything like you. :) Wow....babies...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey...AVB from DPF, CYF, and DOC here. (How's that for cryptic!) I just thought I'd say that yes...i'm getting married...but babies? HELL NO! You can just keep the babies right over there with the long list of things that seem interesting at first...but are mostly likely just full of shit. If anyone is offended by that...its ok, you don't know me. Get over it.